The Beauty Treatments That Were Used in Egyptian History

The importance of cosmetics and perfume were discovered in even the humblest of graves in Ancient Egypt. From the earliest times Egyptian men and women included various cosmetic items among their funerary equipment, suggesting that oils, perfumes and eye paints were regarded as virtual necessities.

Bathing and Perfume

The presence of perfume in ancient Egypt is well documented with the belief that cleansing rituals held the presence of the sacred.

Because there was no soap they would use a mixture of oil, perfume and lime to cleanse the skin. Women who had money would make a paste out of water and natron, which is found in sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate.

The perfume was made from flowers and scented wood mixed with oil or fat. In doing this, their skin always had a pleasant smell. An oil that was bland became the most desired to not interfere with a fragrance. The choice was balanos oil from the fruit of the Balanites Aegyptiaca tree and even though it is still found in Egypt it is rare.

Egyptian Makeup

Other cosmetics included colors for the lips, cheeks and nails. A type of clay called red ochre was ground and mixed with water, and applied to the lips and cheeks. Henna was used to dye the fingernails yellow and orange.”

The dregs from wine were also used to add color to the lips and cheeks.The Egyptian ‘ look’ was pale skin made with chalk, dark brows and eyes and a nice red mouth.

One of the reasons the Egyptians used makeup was to appease the goddess Hathor, who was the goddess of beauty, love and fertility.

Much has been written about Cleopatra’s ritual bathing in milk and honey. The milk is rich in lactic acid and naturally exfoliating and the honey is a humectant, which keeps the skin hydrated and it contains phytochemicals that kill bacteria. So, it is no wonder that her bathing ritual had significant results.

Ancient Egyptian concerns with beauty and body care transcended gender lines. Women and men both used cosmetics and body oils. The need for skin protection and moisturizers in a hot, arid climate was perceived as necessary for both genders. Both sexes, of all classes, oiled their bodies regularly. Many of their ancient formulae remain to us: while some were obviously targeted towards women (there are several suggestions for the removal of stretch marks following pregnancy), the many suggestions for stimulating hair-growth and eliminating bald-spots were probably directed largely towards men.

Ancient Egyptian Anti-Wrinkle treatment

One Teaspoon Sweet Almond Oil

Two Drops of Essential oil of Frankincense

Apply to the cleansed face nightly with a gentle massage